notame is an R-based tool developed at the University of Eastern Finland and Afekta Technologies by our group (Klåvus et al.) for nontargeted metabolomics data processing. It features a streamlined workflow consisting of reading in exported data from signal detection software (currently MS-DIAL), correcting signal intensity drift, identifying and flagging low-quality molecular features, imputing missing values, correcting batch effects, clustering similar molecular features, and providing a variety of useful statistical and data visualization features. We currently use this tool in all our metabolomics projects involving medium to large sample sets.
Visit the GitHub website of notame to install and get started with the package or contact us for more information!
Our new GitHub contains the up-to-date version of the notame metabolomics data preprocessing package and presentations from public events.
We've been busy at the NMetC24 meeting here in Turku with Kati and Hany in the organizing committee, Iman and Jasmin as part of the organizing team, Retu and Ville having a presentation on how to visualize metabolomics data, and the rest of us having posters! It's been a pleasure to have the conference in the oldest city of Finland, which is also home to several people in our team and becoming one of the major metabolomics hubs in Europe.
Visit our new Github page, where you can also find the slides of the visualization presentation!
Here's the GitHub link to the script and example data presented at the workshop as well as the workshop slides.
Kati Hanhineva & Ville Koistinen: Multifaceted Relationship of Diet & The Effect of Malting on the Phytochemicals
Copyright © 2022 Hanhineva lab